Friday, April 22, 2011

Review Time: Global Kitchen

On the third day of our trip, we decided to make a trip to MoMA. You guys, if you haven't been there, you have been missing out on something truly awesome. Given, I am a complete contemporary art nerd (what don't I nerd out about?), but the opportunity to see real live Dalis and Van Goghs should be amazing to anyone. That said, my parents and I weren't really to concerned about lunch that day. We just kind of wanted to get something into our mouths so that we could get back to art-viewing fun. Lucky for us, we found Global Kitchen, a cafeteria-esque place that was literally a few doors down from the museum entrance. It was set up in stations, so there was a salad station, a sammich station, a sushi station, etc. I went for the sandwich station since there was a wrap on the menu that was accidentally vegan! I think it was called the NYU wrap, but I could be wrong...

It was good, don't get me wrong, was a wrap. And that's it. It had some hummus and some veg...but I could have made it at home. My favorite part was actually the Pop Chips I had on the side. I do love Pop Chips, though. Anyway, it satiated my hunger, which was what I needed. So, in conclusion, if you're at MoMA (which you should be!) Global Kitchen is a perfectly OK place to get a perfectly OK vegan wrap. 

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